Men's jackets

Jackets and vests are essential wardrobe staples. For a total streetwear look, opt for a project x homme vest or jacket to make all the difference! Project X Paris, the lifestyle and streetwear shop par excellence, offers a wide selection of jackets and vests to add style to your outfits. Looking for a modern, casual look? Discover our selection of project x jackets and vests. We offer a multitude of different materials, colors and patterns to please as many of you as possible.

Our streetwear shop offers a wide range of styles. You'll be able to choose from a wide range of cuts (slim-fit, loose) and colors, from simple black to more extravagant prints inspired by baroque, fluo, color block... Still can't believe it? Here's a partial list of some of our styles available at Project X Paris: velvet and suede jackets, bombers, teddy jackets, sportswear jackets with side stripes, aviator jackets, windbreakers, jogging jackets, printed jackets, checked jackets, hooded jackets, bi-material jackets, bombers with biker-effect inserts...

How to wear the jacket correctly

The jacket can be worn casually or as streetwear.

Casual chic style

We love the jacket and vest for their versatility. For a simple everyday outfit, they can be paired with a Tee-shirt or a long-sleeved pullover and round neck, a jean (destroy, faded) and a good pair of sneakers or high-top dress shoes. Your choice of top will make all the difference. Don't hesitate to combine your jacket or vest with light knit sweaters, such as a sweatshirt with contrasting stripes, Long-sleeved T-shirt in a solid color or with a V-shaped yoke.

Streetwear style

For a man's street-wear look, the jacket or vest can easily be combined with a Tee-shirt with short sleeves or a hoodie by highlighting the hood. You can play with dimensions by wearing the top oversized, to give the whole look more flair. For the bottom, choose a tracksuit bottomst in the same theme as the jacket and vest (color and/or prints) or you can decide to mismatch by integrating denim.

Men's jacket and vest - streetwear - Project X Paris
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