Project X Paris E-gift card: offer the ideal gift and please for sure!

The gift card is exclusively valid on our website ( and in all Project X Paris stores..

In a few clicks, choose the mode of receipt, the model and the desired amount in euros. The card will automatically be added to your basket in order to proceed with the purchase.

An order confirmation email will be sent to you. The beneficiary will receive an email containing the personalized gift card to be used and will be able to (re)discover new men's and women's novelties .

1 •Gift voucher delivery mode:

Send by e-mail

The gift voucher will be sent by email to the recipient as soon as your payment has been confirmed. You can also choose to send it later by selecting the desired date below:

2 •Select gift voucher type

2 •Gift voucher details

(200 Remaining characters)

The Project X Paris gift card is valid for one year online or in store.