Project X Paris BRUXELLES store address

59 chaussée d'Ixelles 1050 BRUXELLES (Belgium)

Project X Paris BRUSSELS schedule

Monday to Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Telephone Project X Paris BRUSSELS

Find Project X Paris streetwear in your store at 59 Chaussée d'Ixelles 1050 BRUSSELS (Belgium). The Project X Paris team awaits you Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm to advise you on your style: urban, casual or chic. Come and take advantage of our expertise and our many inspirations to find the piece that suits you.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the Project X Paris BRUXELLES team on :

Project X Paris: hip hop and sportswear for everyone

We offer a wide range of streetwear to suit all looks and tastes. Our clothes are inspired by urban culture, sports and the art world, and are aimed at all streetwear fans near Brussels. Don't hesitate to visit us to discover our universe and find our flagship pieces: the Project X down jacket, sweatshirts, jogging bottoms and the entire men's and women's streetwear universe.

Avant-garde DNA for unique women's and men's streetwear collections

In the Brussels store, you'll also find all our capsule collections: the iconic Essentials, Basic Login and Origin collections, and the innovative University, Mirror Denim and One Piece collections. Discover our collaborations with the biggest names on the French scene: from Soso Maness to Bosh and Naps. A range of timeless, creative clothing that makes Project X Paris the benchmark for French streetwear.

Create a unique men's streetwear style with Project X Paris clothing

For all men looking for a casual, trendy streetwear style, our store at 59 Chaussée d'Ixelles in Brussels is the place to be. Our ready-to-wear range lets you create a stylish streetwear outfit for every occasion. From sweatshirts and hoodies to jogging bottoms, jackets and tee-shirts, find the piece you're looking for.

Find the streetwear or sportswear chic woman's look that inspires you

The Project X Paris Brussels store is your indispensable ally in creating a streetwear style that's truly your own. To be comfortable in all circumstances, but with style, find our range of Project X Paris down jackets, women's tracksuits, hip hop sweatshirts and tee-shirts. Who says you can't be chic, stylish and comfortable at the same time?