dehmo - album - ethology

On June 23, Dehmo made his comeback with a new album entitled Éthologie.

The rapper, ex-member of Les MZ, has not said his last word and is back with a tour de force, releasing an album of character. On this new album, the artist talks about himself and his life. A real stroll through Dehmo's street history. It was on the streets that the rapper forged his style.

Dehmo in a Kylie tee shirt

Hailing from Paris's 13th arrondissement, Dehmo doesn't hesitate to throw out punchlines in his lyrics, and to point the finger at controversial subjects.

The title "Sorry" is a good example.

Dehmo in Gothic ensemble

But Dehmo isn't just a man of words. He also appreciates clothes. Streetwear that makes you feel comfortable and trendy at the same time. The artist found what he was looking for at Project X Paris with our new ss17 collection. Whether wearing a Kylie Jenner T-shirt or a floral denim jacket, Dehmo has put together a perfect outfit.

You'll love her outfit. See her look in pictures.

Dehmo in Kylie Tee Shirt

Dehmo in black Project X Paris ensemble

Dehmo in Project X Paris denim jacket

Dehmo in Project X Paris

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