• Jackets and vests are essential wardrobe staples. For a total streetwear look, opt for a project x homme vest or jacket to make all the difference! Project X Paris, the lifestyle and streetwear shop par excellence, offers a wide selection of jackets and vests to add style to your outfits. Looking for a modern, casual look? Discover our selection of project x jackets and vests. We offer a multitude of different materials, colors and patterns to please as many of you as possible.

    Our streetwear shop offers a wide range of styles. You'll be able to choose from a wide range of cuts (slim-fit, loose) and colors, from simple black to more extravagant prints inspired by baroque, fluo, color block... Still can't believe it? Here's a partial list of some of our styles available at Project X Paris: velvet and suede jackets, bombers, teddy jackets, sportswear jackets with side stripes, aviator jackets, windbreakers, jogging jackets, printed jackets, checked jackets, hooded jackets, bi-material jackets, bombers with biker-effect inserts...

    How to wear the jacket correctly

    The jacket can be worn casually or as streetwear.

    Casual chic style

    We love the jacket and vest for their versatility. For a simple everyday outfit, they can be paired with a Tee-shirt or a long-sleeved pullover and round neck, a jean (destroy, faded) and a good pair of sneakers or high-top dress shoes. Your choice of top will make all the difference. Don't hesitate to combine your jacket or vest with light knit sweaters, such as a sweatshirt with contrasting stripes, Long-sleeved T-shirt in a solid color or with a V-shaped yoke.

    Streetwear style

    For a man's street-wear look, the jacket or vest can easily be combined with a Tee-shirt with short sleeves or a hoodie by highlighting the hood. You can play with dimensions by wearing the top oversized, to give the whole look more flair. For the bottom, choose a tracksuit bottomst in the same theme as the jacket and vest (color and/or prints) or you can decide to mismatch by integrating denim.

  • When winter rolls around, it's best to get out and cover up! Project X Paris, your specialist for streetwear for men and women offers you a selection of windbreaker to stay warm and dry on cooler autumn and winter days.
    Ultra-trendy this season, the men's windbreaker jacket is designed to protect you from bad weather. Waterproof, warm and with functional pockets, the windbreaker is both practical and fashionable. Don't hesitate to wear your windbreaker jacket with skinny jeans or matching pants for a relaxed yet stylish outfit.

    What is a men's windbreaker?

    A windbreaker, as its name suggests, is an insulating garment that provides protection from the elements. Created by Léon-Claude Duhamel in 1965, the windbreaker, or waterproof jacket, is a useful, practical, lightweight garment that can be carried in a bag or trouser pocket. Unisex and universal, the men's windbreaker reached its peak in the 90s with the evolution of the sportswear look. The men's windbreaker created a certain revolution in the world of fashion.

    In addition to the product's technical features (heat retention, rain protection and ease of transport), Project X Paris has brought a streetwear aesthetic to men's windbreakers. The models created are intimately inspired by sportswear, integrating it fully into a man's urban look. Project X Paris's unique selection of windbreakers combines the practical with the pleasurable. In bad weather, your windbreaker jacket will brighten up your style. Graphic, sporty or streamlined: the Project X Paris men's windbreaker jacket is your best ally. Note, however, that a windproof jacket won't keep you as warm as a parka.

    How to wear a windproof jacket

    Today, the windbreaker has become a hype product, thanks to the many colors and patterns it comes in. More chic and stylish than ever, the men's windbreaker is making a comeback! You can wear it with destroy jeans for streetwear style, with simple denim to highlight the design of the windbreaker jacket, or with pants for a more streamlined look. It can also be worn with matching or printed jogging bottoms for a more relaxed look.

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